Monday, September 19, 2011


Want to participate in a HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE Study?

Drive for 8 weeks and participate in the study.

We value your feedback and would like to hear from your driving experience.

Want to CONTACT US? More details here.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Parkmerced GIANT YARD SALE Open to Public on 9/24

Attention all Bargain Shoppers!

The Parkmerced community is having a giant 55 family YARD SALE at Arballo and Serrano meadow!

WHEN: Sat 9/24

WHO: Open to Public (buy or sell)

WHERE: Arballo & Serrano (Parkmerced apartment community) next to SF State

WHAT: 55 families pooling together various housewares and bargains to be had by all.

REFRESHMENTS: Yes, come and enjoy!

LIVE MUSIC: Yes, come and enjoy!

For more information, visit our website!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Parkmerced Has MANY Floor Plans to Choose From...

Hey Renters!

Are you by chance parents having another child, empty nesters, divorced, newly single, home office professionals, or people getting married needing a larger or smaller apartment?

Check out Parkmerced's variety of floor plans for a variety of choice!

Visit our Floorplan selections in both High-rise or Townhome options.

LIKE our FACEBOOK profile to learn more about Parkmerced!
